Microsoft Interview Experience for SDE

I just recently had an interview with Microsoft for the position of Software application Engineer, and I wished to share my experience with all of you. The interview procedure included several rounds and was both difficult and fulfilling.

Round 1: Technical Phone Screen

The preliminary was a technical phone screen performed by a skilled engineer from Microsoft. The job interviewer asked me concerns connected to information structures, algorithms, and analytical. A few of the concerns I experienced were:

The job interviewer was client and assisted me throughout the conversation. They supplied important tips whenever I dealt with troubles.

Round 2: Coding and Problem-Solving

The 2nd round was an in-person coding and analytical session at Microsoft Workplace. I was provided a laptop computer with a coding platform and provided with numerous coding difficulties. The concerns covered subjects such as selections, strings, and vibrant shows. Here’s an example of among the concerns:

Provided a variety of integers, discover the optimum amount of an adjoining subarray.

The job interviewer motivated me to discuss my idea procedure and supplied feedback on my technique. It was a collective and appealing experience.

Round 3: System Style

The 3rd round concentrated on system style. I existed with a complex circumstance and asked to develop a scalable and effective system to resolve the requirements. We talked about different parts like the database, APIs, caching systems, and scalability factors to consider. The job interviewer challenged my style options and supplied important insights.

Round 4: Behavioral and HR Interview

The last round was a behavioral and HR interview. The job interviewer asked me about my previous experiences, my team effort abilities, and how I manage difficulties. A few of the concerns consisted of:

  • Inform me about a time when you dealt with a dispute within a group and how you solved it.
  • How do you focus on jobs and handle your time successfully?

The job interviewer got along and produced a comfy environment for open and sincere discussion.

In general, my interview experience with Microsoft was challenging yet enhancing. The recruiters were well-informed and encouraging, and they permitted me to display my technical abilities and analytical capabilities. I got favorable feedback and felt urged throughout the procedure.

I am enjoyed share that I got a deal from Microsoft as a Software Application Engineer. I am grateful for this chance and thrilled to add to such a prominent business.

Last Upgraded:
04 Jul, 2023

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