Importance of Human Interaction as AI and ML Rises

Interaction, communication, and emotional approach are the key characteristics of humans. However, as digital transformation in modern enterprises reaches new heights, AI and ML tools have mostly replaced the role of humans in interactions.

Chatbots and AI-based call attendants are gaining ground swiftly while diminishing the need for human interaction. In this post, we are going to discuss the impact of the rising popularity of AI and ML with their impact on humans.

It is fair to mention that at times, people remain unsatisfied and ask for human interactions after communicating with machines. Decreasing human interaction and artificial, robotic communications can also lead to social issues. Despite these challenges, the popularity of ML and AI-based interaction keeps on rising in the corporate world. Let’s dig deep into the reasons why this technology gains importance and how they affect humans.

Key Reasons for the Increasing Popularity of AI and ML

AI tools can mimic human-like intelligence and behaviour effectively, which is one of the biggest reasons for its growing popularity. A reputed AI app development company can come up with advanced apps that can behave and interact with users in a human-like way. A few of these applications go beyond regular chatbots and provide all the necessary information to the users.

AI-based interactive tools can be easily accessed at any time and anywhere. In other words, there is no need to hire dedicated people for enterprises as these tools or apps can work continuously without limitations of time and place. What’s more, AI-based applications are highly efficient and super-fast. They also remain cost-effective as end users need not invest more in its maintenance if AI and ML tools are based on subscriptions.

Finally, when it comes to humans, mood swings, lack of focus, and attitude-related issues are common. These issues can make communication difficult and at times, non-productive. Also, human communicators are likely to get biased and may respond to queries based on their understanding. AI-based communication tools or apps are free from such bias and act based on available data.

All these reasons make AI apps highly popular across core industry sectors. Entrepreneurs tend to jump on the AI app development bandwagon to leverage the key benefits of AI technology. Let’s understand how this increasing technological interaction affects humans over the period.

Major Ways AI and ML Interactions Affect Humans

Two significant benefits of AI and ML-based tools are convenience and improved real-time services. But then, such tools have started affecting humans in the fronts of communication and interactions. As social animals, humans need other humans to interact and communicate. It is possible that talking to robots frequently can increase depression, anxiety, frustration, or other issues. Simply put, the machine-driven era can make human beings more restless gradually.

AI app development companies can make apps based on machines and work for machines. However, these apps have their limitations as they can process based on the data stored in their system. In other words, they cannot ‘think’ beyond the available data and may give irrelevant answers to complex questions.

Also, AI tools cannot read between the lines in customer queries. It is not possible for machines to understand contextual meanings as well. It may result in misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the message and improper information.

These drawbacks lead us toward the importance of human interaction amid AI-driven digital transformation in modern enterprises.

Importance of Humans in the Modern AI-driven Age

Both AI and ML technologies have taken the corporate world by storm. All core industry sectors have adopted these technologies for various purposes. One of these purposes is dealing and interacting with customers. Some enterprises use AI-powered tools for counselling and training of employees as well. But these tools or apps lack in the following aspects-


As mentioned above, AI and ML-based apps remain dependent on the available data. They have limitations of understanding and reading between the lines. Humans can also understand the unsaid words of customers. Human beings usually focus on verbal and nonverbal cues while interacting with others. It is not possible in the case of AI-based tools.


This is the biggest drawback of machines. They are completely free from feelings and emotions. AI and ML-based tools are robots and their tone and voice always remain flat. On the other hand, human pitch has different modes when they are excited, happy, and sad. When it comes to communication, tone and pitch of voice play a vital role in making it effective. In a way, human interaction seems superior to robotic interaction with different sheds of feelings.


However advanced AI tools are, they just cannot replace humans by showing warmth and care. There is no exaggeration in mentioning that robots are good listeners and can provide apt guidance, but humans have no competition when it comes to giving care and comfort through tones! Robots can neither console nor give more than advice to anyone.

Both AI and ML technologies are still struggling to address challenges posed by humans in interaction and communication. But these rapidly evolving technologies have a promising future and we can certainly expect that ML-based interactive apps will produce human-like voices with different pitches soon. But, there is a need to focus on human-like intelligence, contextual understanding, and on-spot decision-making for AI tools.

In a nutshell, rising AI and ML tools are not taking over the place of humans in communication and interaction anytime sooner.

The post Importance of Human Interaction as AI and ML Rises appeared first on Datafloq.

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