Implementation techniques in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

— At One Time — Release the brand-new variation to all circumstances concurrently. All circumstances in your environment run out service for a brief time while the implementation happens.

— Rolling — Release the brand-new variation in batches. Each batch is secured of service throughout the implementation stage, lowering your environment’s capability by the variety of circumstances in a batch.

— Rolling with extra batch — Release the brand-new variation in batches, however initially release a brand-new batch of circumstances to guarantee complete capability throughout the implementation procedure.

— Immutable — Release the brand-new variation to a fresh group of circumstances by carrying out an immutable upgrade

— Blue/Green — Release the brand-new variation to a different environment, and after that swap CNAMEs of the 2 environments to reroute traffic to the brand-new variation immediately.

Approach Effect of Failed Implementation Deploy Time No Downtime No DNS Modification Rollback Process Code Deployed To
At One Time Downtime 1 No Yes Handbook Redeploy Existing Circumstances
Rolling Single batch out of service; any effective batches prior to failure running brand-new application variation 2.5 Yes Yes Handbook Redeploy Existing Circumstances
Rolling with extra batch Very little if very first batch stops working; otherwise, comparable to Rolling 3.5 Yes Yes Handbook Redeploy New and Existing Circumstances
Immutable Very Little 4 Yes Yes End New Instances New Instances
Blue/green Very Little 4 Yes No Swap URL Brand-new Circumstances

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: